In Omnia Paratus
ready for anything
117 days in Burlington have some how come to a close. These past two weeks have flown by in a blur and I now find myself leaving Vermont tomorrow for a month of travel before landing back on Australian soil! I knew that it was almost time to leave, I just brushed over the fact that it also meant having to pack up all of my stuff again. I wasn't too worried with finals, just annoyed at the fact that packing was approaching quickly.
At the beginning of last week saw a proper snowfall in Burlington that I was actually here for and made campus look magical. I forgot how pretty snow makes everything. It's been a long time since I was in Austria with snow everywhere, but I've also been reminded of why I live in a place where it doesn't snow; because where it snows, it gets awfully cold.
Playing in the snow on the way to class |
Walking in a winter wonderland |
One by one classes came to an end during last week which was a relief. Although it feels like time here has flown by, in reality a semester is a long time to be constantly putting new information in your brain and I'm glad that it has come to an end. Now though I'm facing only two semesters until I graduate and that's a bit of an exciting but totally scary thought! One thing I'll miss most about being here is having D&Ms with Caitlin at all hours of the day like we did on Tuesday at 1am. It's simple things that make the best memories.
Attack of the snow walking to class |
Last Wednesday night, on of the dining halls on campus put on a 'winter wonderland' feast which mainly just involved copious amounts of sugar. I've never seen so many desserts. Basically we just sat and filled up on sugar while chatting and laughing. And making Mean Girls references with four candy canes.
Last walks to Waterman |
What is life but one grand adventure? |
Then came Friday. Like my first class at UVM, my final class was German and that saw the end to my regular days here. After class I spent a little time packing and just chilling out. Sarah and I went to the hockey game on Friday night and it was a good game! Brilliantly rough and we won 4-0. At one point in time there were five people in the sin bin. Two were there for 5 minutes, two were there for two lots of 2 minutes, and one was there for 2 minutes. I'm definitely going to miss hockey.

After the game Sarah and I were going to have a drink in my room, but then we met some other friends in the lobby of our building and decided to go to 439 (more housing on campus) and watch a movie with more of our friends. We headed back up to MAT just after 11pm and played ping pong for about an hour. I was playing against Saskia and when we were done she looked at me and was like, 'how did you get so good?'. I then had to explain that it gets really competitive between Mum and I at home. And violent. Especially if we're playing doubles against each other. I'm pretty sure that Kate had it out for me because when she was playing against Sarah, no matter what she did, the ball hit me or almost hit me.
At midnight came the Naked Bike Ride. The NBR is a tradition at UVM that symbolises the last day of classes and the beginning of finals. Those people are crazy. It was absolutely freezing on Friday night. I was wearing fleece lined leggings under my jeans, a long sleeved shirt until a long sleeved shirt, my big jacket, winter boots, scarf, gloves and headband and I was still bloody cold. Basically a lot of people just run around naked in a circle. Most are quite drunk. The police shut the event down around 12.30 and I was very happy to crawl into my nice warm bed.
Saturday I took it easy and Sarah encouraged my procrastination when we went to the women's hockey game in the afternoon. I then had about an hour and a half in which I studied and then a group of us went to the second men's hockey game for the weekend. The second game wasn't as good. We lost 4-0 and we looked quite silly with the last goal after we pulled the goalie and Boston whacked it straight up the other end and into the goal.
Sunday I studied for a while and then we all went to 439 for International Mafia's secret santa. It was good to get the group together again. I don't think that many of us have been together since Montreal. I got a super cute teddy bear as my present with a little 'Vermont' t-shirt on him. We took some family photos and had a few laughs together.
The girls <3 |
International Mafia <3 |
I made it through my first two finals on Monday pretty well which only left a German oral exam on Wednesday. Once I was through I was free! I now only have 7 subjects left to finish my degree. Thursday was the day that I began the packing process and for some insanely weird reason, it went kind of smoothly. Sarah and I decided to see the Christmas lights down town in Church St and it was so bloody cold. I abandoned my packing efforts to have dinner with International Mafia. The staff in the dining must have been annoyed with us for pulling that many tables together to make sure that everyone fit. There were perfect, personal gifts for the people leaving this semester that made leaving even harder than it was going to be. There were so many goodbyes that came around way too early. Like seriously, where did this semester go? Our massive group walked back to MAT in the coldest weather I have ever been in and were almost blown away. With the wind, it felt like -32 degrees. I have no desire to experience that again.

Which brings me to today. My last full day in Burlington. Which is officially over in 20 minutes. I had breakfast with Sarah before she left to go home for the holidays and then packed more of my stuff. I had stuff absolutely everywhere and Caitlin walked back into the room, smiled, and said, 'it took a whole semester, but your side of the room is finally as messy as mine'. It then came time to say goodbye to the best roommate one could have asked for. I got so use to having her around that it's going to be so weird to not live with her anymore. This is the price you pay for choosing to live in a new country where you know no one; you're forced to make friends with strangers, get close to them while living your everyday life, and then have to leave them.
Clare and I spent the afternoon down town for her birthday and it was very relaxed and enjoyable. Even if she did make me walk down there in the cold. We ate, and shopped, and went to a book store, and ate again. I came back and finished the majority of my packing, only the things I need tonight are left out.
Church St |
Mixed emotions about tomorrow. I'm super excited to travel and explore the US some more, but I don't think that it's fully sunk in that I'm actually leaving Vermont. But hey, one door closes so another door can open, right?
Until next post.
Adios Amigos.
Tyarna xx