Tuesday, 23 August 2016


So I've jumped.  It was scary; but I've done it.  The next chapter has officially begun.

For anyone who has seen me or spoken to me in the past week knows that the most words I have used have been "no" and "not yet".  And the most common word I have heard back has been "Tyarna!!".  (Yes with two exclamation points).  I could really be a professional procrastinator.  I had my final week all planned out but it was thrown into a bit of dismay when I was called into work Monday and Tuesday.  Although it did mean that I got to spend some more time with the girls and have some hilariously crazy work stories.  Always a conversational topic is "have you packed yet?".  

Monday I wasn't really concerned with the fact I had nothing done, so I just listed to the girls the things that I needed to do for the week.  It was all the small things that need to be done before you leave your house for five months.  Small, but insanely annoying.  I listed that one of the things to do on my 'to do' list was make up a single 'to do' list instead of having about five of them at once.  

Tuesday was another full day where I achieved nothing but I was like, it's all good, I'll do it tomorrow.  

On Wednesday afternoon I went back into work as I was meeting up with a friend and the girls started asking if I'd achieved anything on my list by listing them to me.  After each item was "no" or "not yet" and after each "no" and "not yet" was "Tyarna", "Tyarna!", "Tyarna!!" with increasing exclamation points.  I was like, "I'll start tonight!". (I did not start that night after I got home from netball...).  

Thursday came and went as did Friday (I achieved one thing for Friday!).  

Saturday followed my normal routine of working in the morning and then netball in the afternoon.  I'm not gonna lie, it was tough saying goodbye to my beloved netball team.  Phoenix had another great win which put our team straight through to the grand final (not without it's mishaps though, which when told to one of my best friends she automatically replied with "what did you do?", as if I'm the instigator of everything; but this time it wasn't me; cheers though Cait!).  The girls were sneaky and had organised a couple of team photos from throughout the season to be framed and signed by them all and then gave it to me after the game, with a bottle of wine of course!  Now I'm just waiting for the message next Saturday that they kicked arse in the grand final and we came out premiers!!


By Sunday morning I decided that I really should start packing.  I'd had messages from friends asking if I'd started yet and I was replying with "now remember you love me...".  By 10am I decided that it was wine time and packing really should begin.  So I opened my suitcases and just sat and looked at them.

Decided I should probably open them

So I did..

After my second glass of wine was when I started grabbing things out of my cupboard from my list (I was organised enough to have a list!) and just dumping them on top of my bags so that three suitcases morphed into one.

Once everything was packed in properly, always one to deviate, I decided that it didn't look I had that much stuff after all, so I started adding to it.  Mistake number one.  But I still came in under the weight limit so it's a success to me!

Monday morning came around much too soon.  I was excited, but by gosh was I scared too.  The first task for that morning was loading all my stuff into Caity's beetle, and I reckon we did a good job!

Solid effort I'd say

A Maccas run for coffee and hash browns and we were on our way to the airport!  It was a pretty smooth run and we didn't get lost, no thanks to the GPS who god knows where it wanted to take us.  

Then it all happened very quickly.  I checked in (yes I stuffed up the self check in process and needed an attendant, but the point is I still managed to check in), and then it was time to head downstairs and wait to board the plane.

Before I knew it, the plane had landed in Los Angeles, and then in Philadelphia, and then in Burlington and I was finally lying flat on a comfy bed in my motel room.  I'm really glad that I didn't have to face anyone last night because I really did look like death.  The jetlag kicked in at about 2.30 in the morning and I was awake until just before 6 when I finally fell back asleep.

Today (Tuesday) consisted of making my way onto campus at UVM and finding my room.  My first Walmart experience was a success and now I have bedding and a super soft pillow that I am about to use very soon!  My roommate moves in at the end of the week so hopefully my jetlag state is much better so that I'm not disturbing her at all crazy hours of the night!  Orientation officially begins tomorrow and I'm looking forward to meeting some more people!

Now however I am off to bed as my eyes are barely open anymore, and I'm hoping to sleep through the night.  Curse the world and it's time zones!!

Until next post.
Adios Amigos.
Tyarna xx

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